Glass Curtain,
By Thaddeus Hutyra

Chapter 18 - A tremendous story of heroes who fight against evil  || All Chapters

Previous: STEVEN MAC DANTOSCH VERSUS CARLOS IN A DEATH AND LIFE FIGHTCurrent: A tremendous story of heroes who fight against evilNext: Apocalypse
-�Tadek,why do you seem to be so thrilled?�What is there happening?��-Steven Mac Dantosch felt something is terribly out of order.It was enough just one glaze of an eye at his friend to get such an impression.
-�Steven,look!�-Tadek Vangard gave him his field-glass.
-�Shit,shit,shit��- Steven Mac Dantosch uttered bad words.-�They are indeed in a danger.�
-�Who?... Who is in a danger?�-Melissa Charleroi expressed her curiosity this time.
-�The American comandoes.The Soviet desant just arrived.They�ve got off their ship.They are nearing the American comandoes.There can take place a butchery of humans within minutes��- Steven Mac Dantosch answered.
-�Is there any chance we can do anything?�- Tadek Vangard asked.
-�We have to warn them.I mean the American comandoes�If I have to choose the sides I choose instantly those who represent a country of freedom.The country who has such a hillarious monument as the Statui of Liberty��- Steven Mac Dantosch was sure freedom and democracy had to win worldwide and shine like the stars on the American banner on one side and the real stars on the night sky on the other side.
-�I,too,Steven�I agree with you...America,the land of freedom and human rights is the land of my dreams�But how can we do it?...How can we warn them?...�- Tadek Vangard thought he is going to explode from nerves.Time was running out...
-�If we warn them,we might find ourselves again in a big trouble��-Melissa Charleroi expressed her feelings.-�But�Steven,you better do something�Life of those American soldiers is much more important��
Steven Mac Dantosch looked again through the field-glass.The Soviets were dangerously closed to the resting American soldiers who expected no surprises and did not even know what evil hanged above their heads.
-�There is absolutely no time for anything else��- Steven Mac Dantosch whispered.
He reached for his gun and fired a shot to the air�.

Previous: STEVEN MAC DANTOSCH VERSUS CARLOS IN A DEATH AND LIFE FIGHTCurrent: A tremendous story of heroes who fight against evilNext: Apocalypse | | | | |